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The triumphs of international transportation have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. The dangers of traveling close to masses of other people on airplanes, cruise ships, trains, and other public transport may outweigh the convenience as long as the coronavirus is part of our lives. Read more about how to use public transportation safely and protect your rights.

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700 N. Fairfax Street Suite 505
Alexandria, VA
About Our Firm

Curcio Law is an Alexandria Virginia based firm focused on representing people who have been seriously injured or killed in car, pedestrian, bicycle, and truck crashes, and by dangerous dogs, unsafe products, and premises. As a team, the firm works tirelessly to obtain the compensation their clients are legally entitled to so each may rebuild their lives with dignity.

Curcio Law has earned the trust of their clients and the respect of their peers by representing each client with the values which have shaped Tom Curcio’s life and guide the firm:

Commitment, Compassion, and Character.